Short-term Vacation Rental Ban Lifted in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties

May 20, 2020 - by Moorhead Real Estate Law Group


The ban on short-term vacation rentals has been lifted in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties effective immediately, with some restrictions.  Escambia County and Santa Rosa County plans submitted to, and approved by, the State contain differing restrictions that should be reviewed in detail. Importantly, rentals to residents from U.S. states with a high concentration of COVID-19 Case Rates, as reported by the CDC COVID Data Tracker, as of May 14th for Santa Rosa County and May 15th for Escambia County, are to be avoided for the next 30-45 days.

The restrictions on short-term vacation rentals remain for residents of the following states:

In Escambia County:

  • Louisiana
  • New York
  • New Jersey
  • Massachusetts
  • Rhode Island
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Michigan
  • Washington D.C.

In Santa Rosa County, all states listed above with the addition of

  • Nebraska
  • Maryland
  • Illinois

If you need any assistance, please contact us at, and we will reply to your message as soon as possible. In addition to the important COVID-19 updates we will provide via email, you can find updates relevant to all of our practice areas on our website and our Facebook page.

We wish you all good health and are looking forward to speaking with you soon.



Jay Fraiser is a Partner of Moorhead Real Estate Law group.

His primary focus is Condominium and Community Association Litigation and general servicing.